A recovery program offers peer and professional support as you go through your own individual process of substance abuse recovery. At Bridge the Gap Addiction and Mental Health Services, PLLC, in Oakland, California, licensed alcohol and drug counselor Hazel Parrish, LCADC, ICADC, BIP, facilitates recovery programs including Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). To schedule an appointment and find out if you can benefit from a recovery program, call Bridge the Gap Addiction and Mental Health Services, PLLC, or book an appointment online today.
A recovery program is a helpful part of managing substance abuse tendencies and substance abuse disorder for many individuals experiencing the effects. They’re highly structured, and their main goals are helping curb your addiction and keeping you from relapsing in the long term.
Recovery programs at Bridge the Gap Addiction and Mental Health Services, PLLC, help you:
One important aspect of a recovery program is the support you receive from others who have similar experiences. Still, it accounts for the aspects of your substance abuse that are unique to you.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a recovery program specifically for alcoholism and binge drinking. AA meetings are cost-free and take place internationally, and they universally involve 12 steps and interpersonal support.
A recovery program at Bridge the Gap Addiction and Mental Health Services, PLLC, can help you manage or overcome substance abuse disorder with any chemical dependency.
Substance abuse involves cravings and symptoms of withdrawal, so it isn’t easy or feasible to simply stop using the drug when you decide you want to stop.
You might benefit from a recovery program at Bridge the Gap Addiction and Mental Health Services, PLLC, if you have a dependency on:
If you’re uncertain where to begin with treatment and recovery, Hazel welcomes you in for an assessment that helps to identify your unique needs.
It’s not always possible to predict how long you’ll have to be in a recovery program; your personal circumstances can change at any point. A consensus among experts is that there are three main stages of recovery.
The first of the three stages covers the initial 90 days. During this time, you experience significant changes in how you feel. You might experience frequent cravings, fatigue, anxiety, irritability, and sleep problems.
It’s important to set specific goals and engage in all parts of your recovery plan, including your support meetings and counseling sessions.
The final two stages of your recovery are early recovery and maintaining recovery. In many ways, recovery never ends. Yet, you can use the skills you learn in your recovery program to continue moving forward and avoiding relapse in the future.
For more information on recovery programs for substance abuse disorder, call Bridge the Gap Addiction and Mental Health Services, PLLC, or book an appointment online today.